Evolution of TC

Why the content review process is broken, and how to fix it

  • Presentation
  • Intelligent Content
  • 06. June
  • 11:45 - 12:25 AM (CET)
  • Earth & Venus
  • finished
  • Presentation Slides
  •  Jang Graat

    Jang Graat

    • Smart Information Design


Modern content is based on reusable components. But the review process - based on tracked changes and comments - is not designed to handle this. Using modern web technology and a radically different approach to the content review process allows optimising that process in various ways. Your subject matter experts will need zero knowledge of reviewing tools. Free extras include detailed traceability and insight in the quality of reviewers.


Understand the limitations of the existing review process. Discover how efficient concurrent reviewing is possible with zero knowledge of tools. Discover that good technology does not need to complicate the process.

Prior knowledge

No knowledge required. If people have used existing review tools, that helps to understand the issues.


 Jang Graat

Jang Graat

  • Smart Information Design

Jang studied Physics, Psychology and Philosophy and taught himself programming in a large variety of languages. As the "Geek Philosopher", he is unable to think inside any box, and he keeps working until his vision has become a reality. He has given countless presentations to audiences across the globe. He will make you think, imagine, and laugh.