Evolution of TC

Oh the Humanity! Looking at the Future of Video in Technical Communication

  • Keynote
  • Visual Communication
  • 04. June
  • 09:15 - 09:55 AM (CET)
  • E.21 Event Space
  • finished
  • Presentation Slides


The demand for video continues to rise: Studies show that images and videos help with the understanding and retention of information, and that users expect visuals in their software documentation and in multiple formats. This ever-increasing demand brings forth new challenges for technical communication teams and their existing video strategies: How do you keep up this demand while also meeting the needs of your users? Emerging AI-technologies are promising us solutions and options, but what is their real impact? And as the rules are changing, where will the technical communicator land? 



Together, let’s look at the future of video for software documentation and challenge previous practices so we can create a sustainable video strategy that balances the human and the machine. 


 Anton Bollen

Anton Bollen

  • TechSmith Corporation

Anton Bollen is TechSmith’s Customer Success Manager and works closely with the European user base to support and enable them in the creation of instructional videos, screenshots and other projects. He holds a B.A. in Sociology from Michigan State University and has worked as an instructional designer and market strategist in the past. He is passionate about delighting users, and he loves to solve Rubik cubes.