Evolution of TC

From Video to Audio to Text: Content Re-Use Made Simple

  • Presentation
  • Enablement of User Experience (design, visuals, and language)
  • 06. June
  • 09:55 - 10:35 AM (CET)
  • Uranus & Neptune
  • finished
  • Presentation Slides
  •  Andrew Mills

    Andrew Mills


In this presentation, I'll demonstrate how to streamline your content production workflow by creating high-quality scripted videos with audio and text, and then how to repurpose that content quickly and easily into different formats, such as written tutorials (with screenshots), audio guides, and more. In turn, delivering engaging content, that's provided in a format best suited to the end-user, as efficiently as possible.


The attendee will learn a "create once, use often" multi-format content creation workflow that strives to strike a good balance between quality and speed.

Prior knowledge

Ability to use screen capture tools (such as Open Broadcasting Software, or Snagit), the ability to capture audio (preferably with an external USB microphone), and basic video editing software experience.


 Andrew Mills

Andrew Mills


I've been a Technical Author/Documentation Professional for nearly 25-years and I specialise in creating tutorials and user guides for both software and hardware products across a wide-range of digital and printed formats including: video, audio, text, and Augmented Reality (AR).