Evolution of TC

Elitza Stoilova

  • Umni
  • Sofia
  •  Elitza Stoilova


Elitza Stoilova is the co-founder and CEO of Umni, a no-code platform for creating and managing AI chatbots for a website. 

Elitza has over 20 years of experience in the hospitality and tourism industry behind her, up to Director of Marketing and General Manager of a hotel - Turkey, Tunisia, Morocco, Mariana Islands in the Pacific (17 years). She served as an AdHoc destination marketing consultant for the Marianas Visitor Authority (CNMI-USA) for over 10 years, for which she has 2 government recognitions from TOMO.
Elitza's experience in tourism, an industry heavily dependent on the quality and timely communication between staff and customers, yet up to 80% of the tasks and questions are routine, motivated her to co-found Umni and to help businesses in various industries use AI chatbot where previously a human performed the chatbot tasks.

In the past years, Elitza participated as an expert on AI chatbots in various Radio and TV programs, as well as a speaker at conferences, and lector at Software University and other venues. Her articles have been published in various academic and public media, such as Robonomics: the Journal of the Automated Economy, SocArXiv, PhocusWire, ITB Community Insights, and others.