Evolution of TC

How to improve the standing of your team

  • Workshop / Interactive Session
  • Software Documentation
  • 11. June
  • 13:30 - 15:00 PM (CET)
  • finished
  • No presentation slides uploaded
  •  Isabelle Fleury

    Isabelle Fleury

    • tekom Deutschland e.V.


Customers now want to learn about products on their own with digital information products, such as instructional videos or apps. This offers a unique opportunity for technical writers to make their work visible and improve their positioning in the company. In interactive sessions, you will reflect on your current situation and identify possible goals. You will work out ways and solutions to raise your profile and that of your department.


Reflect on the situation and standing of your department. Discuss and develop appropriate goals and find solutions to foster your reputation

Prior knowledge

Participants should be familiar with corporate politics


 Isabelle Fleury

Isabelle Fleury

  • tekom Deutschland e.V.

Isabelle Fleury arbeitete viele Jahre als Beraterin für globales Informationsmanagement und strategische Entwicklung der Technischen Kommunikation. Sie war 17 Jahre im Vorstand des tekom Deutschland e.V. und hat im April 2023 die Geschäftsführung des Verbands übernommen.